Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Pirates of the Caribbean- Song of Blades and Heroes Battle

A quick report from a four-way "steal the treasure" scenario. The objective was to capture the treasure (located in the middle of the pond at the center of the battlefield) and carry it back to the army's corner.

Special rules:
-One action to pick up the treasure.
-The figure carrying the treasure may only make short moves.
-If an enemy moves into base contact with the figure carrying the treasure (s)he drops the treasure.

The armies:
-Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Gibbs,  Ragetti, Pintel, Marty (352)
-Davey Jones, 4x Dutchman crewmen (361)
-Norrington, Governor Swann, 7x British soldiers (350)
-Skeleton Hero, 2x Skeleton Archer, Zombie, 8x Skeleton Warrior (360)

The Game
The armies begin in their respective corners.

 Norrington, Davey Jones, The Skeleton Hero, and Jack Sparrow converge upon the pond where the treasure waits.
 The Skeleton Hero takes the treasure and makes a run for his corner, pursued by Davey Jones, two members of the Dutchman crew, and Jack Sparrow.
 Away from the treasure, Elizabeth, Gibbs, and Ragetti take out a British soldier, clearing the way for Will Turner to move to assist Jack.
 Jack Sparrow takes the treasure and makes a run for his corner, with the Skeleton Hero, Davey Jones, and a British soldier giving chase. Elizabeth falls fighting the Skeleton Hero. Will arrives too late to save Elizabeth, but slays the Skeleton Hero.
 Davey Jones cuts off Jack before he can reach his corner. A protracted battle ensues.
 When Jack Sparrow is slain, the ensuing morale tests decimate his army, leaving only Will Turner.
 As Redcoats fall, another morale test leaves Norrington's Brits with only one man remaining. Meanwhile, Davey Jones nabs the treasure and makes a break for his corner on the far side of the battlefield, where a few skeleton warriors lie in wait.
 The remaining warriors battle as the Dutchman army tries to make away with the treasure.
 Davey Jones falls to the combined attacks of the last remaining Redcoat and a skeleton archer. His final crewman falls shortly thereafter.
 The last remaining Redcoat puts up a fight, but falls to the remaining skeletons, who make of with the treasure.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Song of Bladeshammer 1- Tomb Kings

I've begun making Warhammer-themed armies for Song of Blades and Heroes using a mixture of miniatures. I'll be making large army lists and army-specific terrain. I'm starting off with Tomb Kings. Here's a video and the army list as it currently stands. Feeback always welcome.

Here's a quick snapshot of the army list as it stands at the moment:

SoBH Batttle Report- Tomb Kings vs Lannisters

Tywin Lannister leads his force deep into the valley of the Tomb Kings!

Song of Blades and Heroes is a squad-based skirmish game and the warbands are typically in the 300-500 point range. I wanted to try something larger, so I went with 800(ish) point armies.

The Armies:

Lannisters- 804 pts
Tywin Lannister (2/4 Leader, Heavy Armor) 95
Jaime Lannister (2/4 Hero, Heavy Armor, Fearless) 103
Captain of the Guard (3/3 Leader) 60
Knight Captain (3/4 Mounted, Heavy Armor, Long Move) 78
4x Banner Knights (4/4 Mounted, Heavy Armor, Long Move) [59] 236
3x Knights of Casterly Rock (3/3/ Heavy Armor, Short Move)[30] 90
3x Men at Arms (4/2) [15] 30
4x Bowmen (3/2 Shooter-Medium) [28] 112

Tomb Kings- 813 pts
Tomb King (2/5 Leader, Terror, Undead) 145
Hierophant (2/4 Leader, Terror, Undead, Magic User) 170
Ushabti (3/4 Big, Terror, Undead) 82
3x Skeleton Warriors (3/3 Undead) [36] 108
6x Skeleton Archers (3/3 Shooter-Medium, Undead) [44] 264
Tomb Scorpion (4/4 Big, Poison, Undead) 44

The Battle

Early on, the Lannisters were the aggressors. On the right flank, the knights, backed by Tywin, charged. (Sorry for the blurry pic)

On the Lannister's left flank, Jaime charged ahead, supported by the Lannister foot troops, led by the Captain of the Guard.

Early on, the Tomb Kings were hampered by poor dice rolling. Lots of early turnovers allowed the Lannister forces to move forward en-masse, remaining within long move range of their leaders. When the Tomb Kings finally engaged, though, the tide began to turn.

On the Lannisters' left flank, their progress was slowed by a gruesome kill of a Bowman. As his support dwindled, Jaime found himself outnumbered and eventually fell.

On the other side of the battlefield, the terror-inducing Hierophant and Ushabti shattered the knights' charge, breaking up the wall and sending three of their number fleeing, though none completely fled the battlefield.

The Lannister forces began to rally, though the Banner Knights, having fled beyond their leader's range, struggled to recover. The Bowman managed to kill the Tomb Scorpion, but their ranged attacks could do nothing against the skeletons.

On the Lannister right flank, the Hierophant fell to a Banner Knight, but his forces passed their morale checks and an opportunity to turn the tide of the battle fell to the wayside.

Terror became a major factor on both end of the battlefield. The knights struggled to charge the Ushabti, while the Tomb King similarly managed to drive the enemy back or even off the table. Finally, Tywin fell to the Ushabti. Having lost a leader, the subsequent morale check devastated the Lannister forces, with several of the remaining units fleeing off the table or breaking from combat.
*I had an unusual situation in which Tywin's death also brought his army below 50% strength. I suppose I should have had each unit pass two Morale tests, but their forces were so diminished that I decided to go with a single check.

From that point on, the outcome was inevitable. The few remaining Lannisters either fell in combat or were driven off the table by the Tomb King and Ushabti.

In the end, the Tomb Kings won with just over half their force remaining. A couple of thoughts:

I shouldn't have bothered with Bowmen against the skeletons. I forgot the special rule about ranged attacks against skeletal figures. Melee units might not have turned the tide, but would have fared better.

Having a quality of 4 for the Banner Knights makes them too ineffective on Morale checks. Knights should be braver than that. I'll definitely make some adjustments there.

All in all, the larger-point battle was a lot of fun. With the way I broke up the armies, it was really like running two simultaneous 400-point battles. Will definitely do more large-scale skirmishes.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

SoBH Warband- The Lannisters

In honor of tonight's Game of Thrones season finale, here's my Lannister Warband!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Vikings vs Winter Wood Elves: Song of Blades and Heroes Battle Report

Today's battle pits a Viking warband against a unit of Winter Wood Elves using the basic Song of Blades and Heroes Rules.

Vikings: 299 pts
Thorgrim 88 (Q2 C4 Leader)
2x Berserkers 36 (Q3 C3 Fearless)
Longbowman 44 (Q3 C3 Shooter-long)
2x Warriors 30 (Q3 C3)
Shield Maiden 35 (Q4 C4 Steadfast)

Winter Wood Elves: 298 pts
Daerad 95 (Q2 C4 Leader, Snow Walk)
3x Wood Elf Archers 50 (Q3 C3 Shooter-Long, Snow Walk) 
Dryad 53 (Q4 C4 Short Move, Big Entangle

The dice were against the Elves from the outset. Daerad and the Longbowman took up positions atop the ice bridge, while the Berserkers surged forward, and the Warriors swung wide, taking up reserve positions among the ruins.

The Longbowman knocked down an Archer with an aimed shot, and a Berserker charged in and finished him off.


The Archer's comrades avenged his death, shooting down the Berserker.

In what would prove to be the pivotal moment in the battle, Daerad, the Wood Elf leader, drove Thorgrim to the very edge of the ice bridge, but could not knock him off. Thorgrim countered with a powerful attack that doubled Daerad's score, slaying the valiant warrior. The remaining Wood Elves passed their Morale check, though two retreated.

The tide had turned. The Dryad fared poorly on his dice rolls and quickly found himself surrounded and taken out by the vicious Northmen.

 With the Wood Elf band's cumulative strength now below 50%, one of the remaining Archers fled off the table, leaving a lone Elf to face the Viking horde.

That didn't work out so well.

The Vikings crush the Winter Wood Elves, losing only a single Berserker.